Acne scar treatment: Scientific nutrition helps skin heal faster


  1. acnescarclinic

    acnescarclinic New Member

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    Acne scars treatment can be healed over time, with the right skin care products and the food you eat also plays a big part. So, if you're trying to find skin care products, we suggest you pay more attention to your diet. Here are some foods you should eat.
    1. Acne scar treatment: Skin is affected by diet
    In fact, the use of topical products only solves up to 20% of skin problems, the remaining 80% depends on the elements inside the body. Therefore, changing the diet in a reasonable way will provide adequate facilities, make the skin brighter, and at the same time reduce the toxic ingredients, effectively regenerate.

    Acne scar treatment: acne skin is often caused by hormonal changes in the body, so it is most common in adolescence and adolescence.

    During puberty, the body produces more of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Some studies suggest that IGF-1 can boost sebum production and worsen acne scar treatment symptoms. Avoiding foods that contain IGF-1 can help improve symptoms of acne and help prevent breakouts.

    When the pores are blocked, this is what leads to the formation of acne scar treatment on the skin.

    2. Acne scar treatment: Principles of building a diet for acne-prone skin
    Acne scar treatment: Prioritize the use of seasonal foods
    Food that is in season will be different from food that is out of season because in season it will be more wholesome and has a higher nutritional value than out of season. Vegetables and fruits out of season they will use stimulants, pesticides that harm our body, then eating can cause poisoning.

    Acne scar treatment: Prioritize home-cooked meals
    Although the food outside the restaurant is very attractive, they are often unhygienic and do not guarantee food safety. In addition, processed foods also contain a lot of fat and spices.

    Acne scar treatment: Balance between groups of substances
    Abstinence from toxic substances is good, but you should not abstain completely, leading to a lack of substances in the body. A full meal is a meal that includes the following main substances: Starch, protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals.

    Acne scar treatment: Prepare food properly
    Steaming or restoring the dishes we love is best to avoid protected dishes. The systems will limit the amount of grease consumed and the restricted mode of being heated in person here is one of the current fundraisers.


    Acne scar treatment: Good nutrition food for acne skin
    Acne scar treatment: Turmeric
    A common ingredient in skin care products, turmeric has been beloved for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, curcumin. These qualities target the pores and soothe the skin. Also known for its scar reduction effects, this can be your skin's best friend.

    Acne scar treatment: Berry
    Although strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are small in size, they are packed with antioxidants that help protect the stomach and protect against dark spots on the skin. They're also full of vitamin C, a powerful line of defense against discolored skin.


    Acne scar treatment: Papaya
    A type of fruit that we often find in skin produce, papaya contains a digestive enzyme called papain. And what is its effect? It exfoliates, unclogs pores, unclogs the membrane, hydrates the skin and prevents future breakouts. When consumed, the vitamin and its qualities improve skin elasticity and smooth wrinkles.


    Acne scar treatment: Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids like salmon, anchovies, sardines and mackerel are packed with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in your skin.


    Above are some suggestions for zapoka's acne-prone skin, you can refer to our products: Acne Scar Treatment Fermentation Synbio β-Glucan Calming Cleanser

    See more: Acne scar treatment revealing 7 steps to set up the skin for quick recovery

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