What foods should be avoided for acne scar treatment?


  1. acnescarclinic

    acnescarclinic New Member

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    Acne scar treatment is a common skin condition greatly affects the psychology and aesthetics of the face. Foods to avoid for acne scars, let's find out through the article below to better understand how to treat acne scars!
    Foods to avoid to effectively fight acne scar treatment
    Eating is always a top priority to have good health and healthy skin. As well as to limit the risk of acne scar treatment, you should focus on your diet, especially avoiding the following foods:

    1. Acne scar treatment: Tea and coffee
    In tea and coffee contain a large amount of caffeine, when loaded into the body, it will stimulate the adrenal glands to work, cause nervous tension, and at the same time stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more, causing dirt to stick to the skin causing acne scar treatment.


    2. Acne scar treatment: Fresh milk
    People still think simply that drinking milk will improve health and increase resistance, but in reality, they do not know that milk will make growth hormone active, causing the amount of sebum to be produced accordingly. many, easily cause acne scar treatment.

    3. Acne scar treatment: Sweets
    When you load too much sweets into the body, it will cause the sugar level to spike. This leads to the production of more IGF-1 (a peptide hormone) that causes the skin to produce more oil.


    4. Acne scar treatment: Saturated fats, fried foods
    When using foods that contain a lot of fat, saturated fats will make the inflammation from acne spots easily spread to other areas, acne scar treatment also becomes more severe.

    How should acne scar treatment skin care?
    Step 1: Cleanse the skin with makeup remover oil to remove makeup, dirt stuck deep on the pores, help the skin to be clear, pores are effectively cleaned.

    Step 2: Use a mild, safe cleanser for acne scar treatment-prone skin, preferably those with a pH of 5.5 - 6.5, containing benign ingredients, safe even for sensitive skin.

    Step 3: Use skin balancing water to rebalance the PH level, return the skin to the best state to prepare for the next step of care.

    Step 4: Use a serum for acne scar treatment-prone skin and contain safe and gentle ingredients to help reduce acne scar treatment.

    Step 5: In addition, an extremely important step that is indispensable for all skin types is to exfoliate weekly, to both remove dead cells and blow away the stratum corneum that has been tightly inhaled inside the skin for a long time. get a healthy skin.

    See more product: Acne Scar Treatment Fermentation Synbio β-Glucan

    See more articles: 13 simple home remedies for acne pimples with natural methods ( part 2)

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